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  • Stock Symbol  TSX:UR
  • Company Type For Profit
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  • Phone Number 800 669 3713

UrtheCast (pronounced “EarthCast”) is a satellite imaging company developing world-first technologies in data services, geoanalytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence. The insights we provide allow customers in multiple industries to track long-term trends, monitor change, and take guided, strategic actions to better serve their


In 2022, UrtheCast plans to launch UrtheDaily, the world’s first earth observation system designed from the ground-up to produce scientific-quality, analytics-ready imagery of the entire earth's landmass every day.

Early in 2019, UrtheCast acquired Geosys – bringing more than 30 years of experience in agricultural analysis of satellite and weather data. The team’s global geo-information services range from crops monitoring and benchmarking for risk management, to precision farming and grain marketing support. Combining Geosys’ services with the resolution, revisit, and data quality of the UrtheDaily constellation will open the door to machine learning and AI opportunities never before seen in agriculture.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where is UrtheCast's headquarters? UrtheCast is located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.Who invested in UrtheCast? UrtheCast has 2 investors including Vine Rose and Canadian Space Agency.How much funding has UrtheCast raised to date? UrtheCast has raised .When was the last funding round for UrtheCast? UrtheCast closed its last funding round on Feb 3, 2020 from a Post-IPO Equity round.